Reinhardt and Florence Haase Farm
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Reinhardt Haase farm 1956

Reinhardt Haase farm 1940’s

Reinhardt Haase farm 1983

Pauline Lange Haase

Gustav & Pauline Haase Homestead Owners -Olga, Else, Alma, Reinhardt, Herman, Henry

David Haase with dog

Centennial 1976 photo of Reinhardt and Florence Haase

Gustav and Pauline (Lange) Haase

David Haase with dog

David and Ellen Haase with snow in 1947

Reinhardt Haase with David and Ellen Haase

Ellen Haase Dahlen by old milk house

David Haase on tractor

Before Bales

Finally Bales

Florence Raised Chickens

Pigs by the corn crib

Article: Haase’s-Pioneer Farmers and Woodsman 5/1/1980

Article continued

Pictured is Gustav Haase and his wife Pauline and their children, Herman and Alma. The house was built by Gustav in 1892.

Gustav and son Herman are standing in front of the barn built by Gustav and is still standing today. The horses in the barn are Topay and Flora

Reinhardt married Florence Derky-Valentines for Life

Reinhardt and Florence

Reinhardt and Florence wedding 9/4/1932

Reinhardt and Florence - Anniversary 9/4/1993